Newsletter 21.05.2021

Newsletter 21.05.2021

This Sunday we celebrate the feast of Pentecost, fifty days after Easter. Pentecost is also the birthday of the Church as the disciples took on the worldwide mission of spreading the Good News at this time. As our Year 11 and 13 students begin to take their next steps into the world, we ask the Holy Spirit to be with them on their journey.
Bless our students with the confidence and hopefulness of youth. May your Holy Spirit encourage and empower them to be the best version of themselves they can be, for our world needs their energy, integrity, creativity, faith, hope, and love.
Sacrament of Confirmation

Confirmation is the Sacrament closely linked with the Holy Spirit and, thankfully, our parishes are beginning to resume their usual sacramental preparations. St John Vianney’s and St Mary’s parishes have asked us to let you know that they will be beginning their Confirmation preparation shortly with the Confirmation Services arranged for late Autumn. As they were unable to offer this last year, there may be students in Year 8 and Year 9 who would like take part in the preparation. Preparation takes place outside school with the parish volunteers, though our chaplain, Mairie, is happy to offer support and answer any questions your child may have.

If your child would like to be confirmed this year, please contact your local parish. For students in other parishes, we will forward information as we get it. Alternatively, please check with your own parish priest.
Message from Mairie
Manchester Arena Tragedy 
Today, during Sacred Space, we have remembered the victims and survivors of the Manchester Arena bombing. Our thoughts are with them as we pray for a time of tolerance and peace in our world.
Contact details

Please notify the school if you change your phone number or contact details. It is important that we are able to contact you in case of an emergency.

Email any changes to

Busy times at the Bank of England
On Monday 17th May, Year 12 Economists were treated to a presentation from The Bank of England and heard details about their use of monetary policy. Students found the session interesting, informative and thought-provoking, all agreeing it definitely had a positive impact on their studies. Given the recent Economic crisis, we are very grateful to the Bank of England for taking the time to talk to us and don’t envy the task they have ahead as we get on the road to recovery!
Nature and Mental Health

During long months of the pandemic, millions of us turned to nature. Our Research on the mental health impacts of the pandemic showed going for walks outside was one of our top coping strategies and 45% of us reported being in green spaces had been vital for our mental health.

Despite this, many of us are not accessing or benefitting from nature. Teenagers in particular appear to be less connected with nature and around 13% of UK households have no access to a garden

There could not be a more important time to understand the links between nature and mental health.

9 Ward were given some sunflower seeds by Mrs Fish to plant and care for over the remaining weeks in school. We are having a “tallest sunflower competition”. Hopefully we will have some lovely photographs to share with you.

Planting has started…

Please visit the website for more information on what you can do to improve your mental health with nature.

Returning to school after negative Covid test

If a student is returning to school after they or a member of their family have displayed Covid symptoms and had a PCR test, please confirm to school that the result came back negative. This can be done by emailing or by phoning reception or leaving a voicemail.

Asthma Inhalers and Hay fever in PE
It is imperative that all students who suffer with asthma have their inhalers with them for every PE lesson, especially for athletics. Please check that they are in date, have your child’s name on them and school has a spare in case they run out.
If a student suffers with hay fever, then they should allow sufficient time for any medication to take effect.
On very sunny days students should wear sun protection to protect their skin from sun damage.
Any issues please do not hesitate to get in touch.
Mrs Simms
Tom Kud, 11 Bernadette, Greater Manchester Open Water Swimming Champion

Last weekend, Tom Kud, 11B, became Greater Manchester Open Water Swimming Champion. The course was 1 mile 16 long and the water was 12°C.

What a great achievement! Congratulations Tom!

Watch Tom in action in the clip below.

Click here – Tom Kud

Girls’ After School Sports

Boys’ After School Sports

Uniform Exchange

If your child has outgrown their uniform, please consider donating it to the uniform exchange, located in Winsford.

All items needed including blazers, skirts, trousers and PE kits from all local schools, not just St Nicholas.

This is also a good place to go for second hand uniform.

For further details click here

Upcoming dates

Monday 24th May – Year 7 Virtual Parents evening
Thursday 27th May – Year 11 GCSE PE moderation day
Friday 28th May – School Breaks up for half term

Attendance Matters

“Everyone matters, so attendance matters”