St. Nicholas PTFA

About the PTFA

St Nicholas PTA/Friends Association (PTFA) run regular fundraising and school community events throughout the year. Not only does this provide lots of fun and community spirit, but the money we raise enhances the education and experience of all the children and young people in our school. In the past years, we have contributed to large purchases such as outdoor seating and tables along with smaller items such as sports equipment, technology and art materials, as well as the funding for UK Mathematics Trust Maths challenge activities and events.
In September 2019 we held the first St Nicholas River Run, a festival of running that attracted well over a hundred entrants of all ages and abilities taking part in three runs along the River Weaver Valley. We hope to do it again next year. We also plan to host a Car Boot Sale in April 2021.

Please follow us on Facebook ( to find out more about what’s going on.
If you would like to get involved in PTFA, you are welcome to join us. We formally meet every half term, see meetings listings on the next tab and on Facebook. We also meet informally from time to time and put these events on our Facebook page.
We can all do our bit, for example, do you work for a company that could support our school by donating a raffle prize or cover the cost of key items such as the medals at the St Nicholas River Run?  Do you have access to a matched funding scheme via your employer?  If so, please get in touch, it makes a huge difference to our children and young people.
If you would like to find out more or have a great fundraising idea, please get in contact via or message us via Facebook.

The PTFA works to improve the learning experience of our children and young people.  You are welcome to join us at any meeting; you are not obliged to come to every meeting – just come when you can.  Meetings are held in school and last about an hour.
We would love to hear from you if you:
– are interested in being part of the PTFA team to come up with fundraising ideas, plan events and make them happen
– would like to serve as a trustee on the PTFA and take responsibility for making sure the PTFA is run properly
– would prefer to show support through helping out at events or serving refreshments ‘on the day’ as and when needed but can’t spare the time for our meetings
Our meeting dates for 2020-21 are as follows:

Monday 14th September (6.15-7.15)
Tuesday 10th November (6.15-7.15)
Monday 11th January (6.15-7.15)
Tuesday 9th March (6.15-7.15)
Monday 26th April (6.15-7.15)
Tuesday 8th June (6.15-7.15)

Please get in contact via or message us via Facebook:
Over the past few years we have run a range of activities and fundraising events including:
– Summer Ball at Vale Royal Abbey
– Christmas Market
– School disco for new Year 7s
– Grand Raffle with a Eurocamp holiday as first prize
– Year 11 Prom set up/decorations
– Year 7 Family Quiz
– Wine Tasting Evening with DeFine Wine
– Fashion Show
– First Aid Course
In 2020-21 we are hoping to do some of the following
Advent Term
Thursday 24th September – Year 7 Family Quiz
Lent Term (event dates to be confirmed)
Car Boot Sale
DeFine Wine Tasting
Pentecost Term (event dates to be confirmed)
Summer Ball at Vale Royal Abbey
School disco for new Year 7s
Sports Day ice lollies
Year 11 Prom
If you have an idea on how the PTFA can raise more funds or would like to organise a fundraising event or activity, please get in touch

St Nicholas PTFA Role Descriptions

Main roles

The Chair

Main duty: To have the final say on PTA decisions.

Key jobs:

  • To make all committee members feel welcome and valued;
  • to set the PTA agenda;
  • to provide leadership;
  • to co-write the annual PTA report.

Needs to be: Enthusiastic, calm; good at listening; decisive.

The Deputy

Main duty: To support the work of the PTA Chair.

Key jobs:

  • To step in for the Chair when the Chair is absent;
  • to work with the Chair to see the PTA runs smoothly and communicates well.

Needs to be: Supportive, enthusiastic; energetic; organised.

The Treasurer

Main duty: To oversee the PTA’s financial affairs.

Key jobs:

  • To manage accounts;
  • do banking and maintain up-to-date financial records.

Needs to be: Reliable; organised; good with numbers.

The Secretary

Main duty: To keep up-to-date records of PTA activity.

Key jobs:

  • To organise PTA meetings;
  • to prepare and distribute agendas and minutes;
  • to build strong relationships with key school staff – including the office staff and caretakers.

Needs to be: Organised; good at time management and friendly.