Our mission as a Catholic school is that every young person entrusted to our care is able to live life and live it to the full. We strive for academic excellence anchored to the message of the Gospel and the values and teachings of Jesus Christ – every young person is supported to become the very best version of themselves that they can possibly be.

Our school Mission Statement provides the foundation for all that we do here at St Nicholas Catholic High School.

Here at St Nicholas we let our God-given talents shine 

We believe all students should enjoy their learning and achieve their potential, striving at all times to embrace the Gospel and its teachings 

Our school environment is built upon trust and respect for each other – we embrace our differences and celebrate what it means to be part of God’s family

Everyone matters

As a school community we are constantly evaluating our progress and our successes. We are never complacent and look to strengthen and deepen the academic, pastoral and spiritual formation of our students and staff.

Details of our priorities for the future can be found here