Enrichment and Co-Curricular

Enrichment and Co-Curricular

Here at St Nicholas’, we believe that education is not just limited to the academic – the aim of an excellent school is to nurture children to become responsible, dynamic young people who can achieve academically and have the skills that can be used in the workplace maintaining the Catholic ethos, that is so important here at our school, in their future lives as adult Christians.
In addition to the many academic lessons and activities, we have a number of inclusive enrichment programmes that everyone can participate in. St Nicholas enjoys a rich and vibrant extra-curricular programme which plays a vital role in building confidence and deepening personalities. These range from sporting clubs and fixtures through to our Mock Trial visits and the School Choir.
We also provide many opportunities for residential and day visits. These include retreats to Savio House, Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, the ski course to Italy and our 6th Form expeditions to such as Borneo. Here at St Nicholas, the world really is your oyster!