St Nicholas Catholic High School is committed to improving students’ attendance and punctuality. Students should be on time, every day, unless the reason for absence is unavoidable. Allowing a child to be absent without good reason is against the law. Unauthorised absences are those which the school does not consider reasonable.
Good attendance is essential for students’ learning and attainment and opens up opportunities for students’ future beyond St Nicholas’.
Reporting an absence to school:
· Parents /carers are expected to contact school on the first day of a child’s absence by telephone 01606 706000, via the Edulink App or by email Notification should be made by 8.55 am. When reporting an absence this must include the students’ name, form, reason for absence and expected length of absence. If school has not received notification of absence of a student of statutory school age, the school will text parents to notify that their son / daughter is not present. A follow up telephone call may also be made by the Education Welfare and Attendance Officer.
· Parents / Carers must update the school EVERY DAY of absence unless agreed to length of absence with the attendance officer.
· Parents may be requested to provide medical evidence of illness upon the 4th episode in order for school to authorise. Examples of this may be copies of prescriptions or receipts for the purchase of over the counter medicines.
· If a planned absence from school is required, the request must be made IN WRITING at least 1 month before the proposed date of absence by emailing school attendance Previous attendance of a student will be considered when deciding whether to authorise an absence. School may seek further evidence to support such an application. Leave of absence may only be granted in exceptional circumstances in line with Government regulations.
Parents failing to notify the school of absence will have 5 school days from the absence to do so before it becomes unauthorised.
Under Section 7 of the 1996 Education Act a parent is responsible for ensuring that a child of compulsory school age receives an efficient full time education that is suitable to the child’s age, aptitude and ability and any special educational needs a child might have. An unauthorised absence may include the following:
· Keeping children off school without a good reason.
· Absences with no explanation after 5 school days.
· Truancy.
· Holidays during term time.
· Students who arrive after 09:45
· Medical appointments should be made outside of school hours. Where this is not possible you may be requested to provide a copy of the appointment card, letter or screenshot of the appointment.
· School will seek to support students’ out of school commitments in relation to sporting, dramatic or work experience related activities by awarding an appropriate out of school learning code. If your child requires such a leave of absence full details of the activity should be sent to for consideration.
Students need to be on site for 8.45am. Those students that enter school after this time are late for school. Parents will be notified by text message if their child receives a late mark. Students who arrive after 09:45 without a valid reason for their lateness will have their register coded with an unauthorised absence. Over 10 unauthorised absences can lead to a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) being issued.
Only the school can determine whether an absence is authorised or unauthorised.
The government considers pupils with an attendance of below 90% of being persistently absent.
Being in school is important to your child’s achievement, wellbeing, and wider development. Evidence shows that the students with the highest attendance throughout their time in school gain the best GCSE and A Level results.
Poor examination results limit young people’s options and poor attendance suggests to colleges and employers that these students are unreliable.
Every moment in school counts, and days missed add up quickly.