Newsletter 12.07.2024

Newsletter 12.07.2024

Message from our Chaplain Mairie

Year 9 Retreat
Yet another retreat this week for our Year 9 students. Particularly at this time of the year, this was the opportunity for students to take time to reflect on all their gifts and talents and how to make best use of them. We were delighted to be joined by the Shrewsbury Youth Mission Team who encouraged our students to ‘let their light shine’. Students also reflected on some of the letters written by Pope Francis regarding Care for Creation and Young People, and then, they wrote their own letters back. We will be sending them off to the Vatican soon and hoping for a reply. It was a lovely day and hopefully, helped to prepare them to look forward to Key Stage 4 after enjoying their summer break.

Prize Night

Prize Night

We had a wonderful Prize Night last night. The atmosphere was warm and welcoming and staff and students all enjoyed sharing in this special occasion.

Here is Mr Burns’ speech for everyone to enjoy.

Days like this make me feel very proud to be a Headteacher. The achievements of the young people sitting in front of me is nothing short of outstanding and each of them, plus the other hundreds of children not recognised this evening, should be celebrated by all of us.

Like the world itself, education never stands still; there is constant change and whether we think the changes are positive or negative, it is vital that we hold on to our Gospel values and that they steer the work of this school. What good is it if our students leave with all grade 9s or straight As, but don’t know the importance of kindness, love, generosity, compassion, service and much more? It is important to educate, but also to develop young adults ready for the world ahead. And this is what makes St. Nicholas Catholic High School unique – its Catholic ethos and how important it is that we all let our ‘God-given talents shine’.

This year, we have focused on reviewing our pastoral system and I am pleased to say that a new and enhanced structure is slowly being phased in and will be in place from September 1st. We have created more staff capacity to ensure our young people have everything they need to thrive and be successful. We will shortly open our new centre to ensure some of our students have appropriate interventions and support in place throughout the year. The new Gym, a project led by our sixth form students and supported by our PTA, will add another dimension to school life for staff and students. We are, of course, celebrating a very positive Ofsted Inspection this year and look forward to building on this success further in the years ahead.

The compassion and dedication of our students has been clear to see through the charity work that students in all year groups have been involved in. The school has raised thousands of pounds this academic year for various charities, and I know they have even bigger plans for next year as we plan our Jubilee celebrations – St. Nicholas Catholic High School is 60 years old in September 2025! Watch this space to hear all about the events that will be taking place.

Thank You

Each and every day, members of staff at this school go above and beyond for your children so that they, and by extension, the wider community have as many opportunities as possible to realise the potential given to them by God and achieve the very best – this has been seen in the excellent examination results achieved over a number of years and in the number of students who go on to secure a place on an apprenticeship or university. It was great to welcome back previous students a few weeks ago for work experience – students who want to come back and teach here in the future!

The team here is constantly striving to further develop this high-quality learning environment, so that it inspires students, staff, and the community to be compassionate, successful, and resilient contributors to a better society. We have many excellent teachers serving here and the support team is, without doubt, the most flexible, caring and hardworking I have had the pleasure of working with. I hope that you all know that your work is valued and appreciated; I also hope that you have felt the benefits of our focus and significant commitment to your professional development and wellbeing.

I would like to thank every member of the school staff for their continued hard work, passion, and enthusiasm. Many of this staff team have worked tirelessly behind the scenes to make tonight happen too, from setting up, producing the programme, to preparing and performing the fabulous music – the music here never fails to impress, and I won’t forget how blown away I was seeing so many of our students performing with Mrs McKenna at Tatton Park earlier this year. Simply amazing. Please join me in showing our appreciation for our great staff team.

I would like to thank the governors who give so willingly of their time and challenge us to improve the school even further – thank you for all that you do in supporting us to lead our great school onto the next stage of its development.

I thank you the parents and carers, who week in week out, support the school and your children with unwavering commitment. We were overwhelmed by the number of supportive and complimentary letters that came in for inspectors earlier this year. I truly believe that the relationship between home and school is essential if your children are to thrive and be successful during their time here.

My final message is addressed to you, our students.

Congratulations on your awards and prizes this evening, may they spur you on to continued and further success in the future. Keep being brilliant and keep being you and be proud of everything you have achieved this year. It is an absolute honour to be your Headteacher and I look forward to working with you again in the new academic year.

Finally, as this academic year comes to a close, I wish everyone an enjoyable summer break and look forward to September, with our students ready to seize all the opportunities that will come their way in the next academic year.

Further pictures can be seen here 

Sports Presentation Evening

Sports Presentation Evening

The Physical Education department at St Nicholas Catholic High School wish to invite you to the Sports Presentation Evening on Monday 15th July 2023 (6pm-7:30pm). All students who have represented the school this academic year are invited to attend and will receive a certificate for their contributions to school sport. Furthermore, those who have represented the school in four or more sports will receive a badge for their efforts.

There will also be awards for achievement and effort in school sport along with a ‘High Performance’ presentation and live performances on the night. Students who have been nominated for an award will be notified in school next week and will receive a ticket for themselves and two family members.

The evening will finish with our guest speaker, captain of the England Learning Disability Cricket team; Chris Edwards.

Admission is free but is all ticket. Tickets can be reserved using the Form attached:

Each student will receive a ticket but there will be a two ticket limit per family. In the event you wish to reserve more than two additional tickets, please contact a member of the Physical Education department.

Whilst the event will celebrate the participation and successes of those students who have represented the school this academic year, all students and their families are welcome to attend to be part of the celebration and listen to the guest speaker.

Furthermore, in preparation for the evening, the Physical Education department are kindly requesting any pictures and/or information of students competing outside of school in either club, district, regional, national or international level. The information received will be used to create a High Performance presentation that will be shared on the night.

Please can you send in any pictures and/or information of your child participating in sport outside of school to Mr Armstrong ( by Monday 1st July 2024.

Music Success


Charlie Larkin        Grade 5 Clarinet    Merit

Jack Deakin            Grade 2 Clarinet    Distinction

Patrick Fearnley    Grade 2 Piano         Distinction

Matthew Lewis       Grade 2 Clarinet    Merit

Penny Lee               Grade 2                  Merit

We are very proud of all your achievements and know what a lot of effort and commitment it takes to pass these grades. Well done.

Patrick Fearnley, Grade 2

Music Workshop with Drummer

On Wednesday this week we were delighted to welcome back Jake Barnabas, a former SNCHS student. Jake is now the drummer with The Luka State, a band from Winsford who are performing this year at the Leeds/Reading Festival.

Jake worked with an all-girl Year 9 band putting together a collection of songs.

We’re hoping to continue these government-funded workshops with Jake in September.

If you’re wondering about a career in the Music Industry here is an important date for your diary

St Nicholas Choir at Tedx Northwich

On Saturday night the School Choir were invited to sing at the TEDx Northwich event at the Grange. It was a much-reduced choir due to all our Year 9 choristers being involved in D of E Bronze weekend. The choir sang fantastically well and were sent a huge cake in thanks from the organisers of the event.

Sleep Champion

Sleep Champion
Over the last few months, Mrs Martin has been working very closely with The Sleep Charity. The Sleep Charity is a national, award-winning charity empowering the nation to sleep better. They are one of the leading, independent expert voices on sleep issues in the UK and strive to help everyone get a better night’s sleep.
She has now become the designated ‘Sleep Champion’ for St Nicholas Catholic High school and her role, along with a team of ‘Sleep Mentors’ will be to help support students to improve their sleep by outlining and identifying reasons for their sleep issues and subsequently providing practical strategies and resources to share with both students and parents/carers. 
As The Sleep Charity states: –
‘Quality sleep is essential for children’s growth and development. A decent night’s sleep will help them to do better at school, allow them to react more quickly to situations, have a more developed memory, learn more effectively and solve problems, plus it will make them less susceptible to colds and other minor ailments, less irritable and better behaved!’
Please watch this space and if you feel that your child at St Nicholas Catholic High School could do with a little bit of help regarding ‘sleep’ then please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mrs Martin directly at

Sporting Success

Aimee Baldwin – Horseriding success

Last weekend Aimee Baldwin did another qualifier at NCPA Staffordshire and in a large class of 21 large breeds she won. She also took champion on her own pony and got her ticket for (HOYS) horse show of the year at NEC Birmingham in October.

Well done Aimee!

Year 9 French success

Year 9 French

Year 9 French students recently completed a project about holiday destinations in the French-speaking world. This week they presented their findings, and we heard all about the attractions of Montréal, Tahiti and Guadeloupe, as well as a number of French cities. 

Amazing work by all involved.

PTFA Newsletter

PTFA Newsletter 
Hello everyone, 
Thank you very much for supporting our summer raffle. We will be drawing the raffle today & will let everyone know who has won next week in our newsletter & on our Facebook page. 
Thank you again very much for your kindness & support.
Your PTFA 


Thank you to everyone who takes part in Your School Lottery. 



One of our supporters won £15.00 in the draw! 😀 🎉

If you haven’t signed up yet visit our lottery here 

Thank you. 🤩

Library and Literacy

Library and Literacy
Annotate this!
Gone are the days where book annotation was reserved for A-level and university study. If you’re not already aware of the trend sweeping TikTok and Instagram, search for #bookannotation or #annotatedbooks to get an idea of how some teenagers (and adults) are now personalising their books. Far from the graffitied obscenities we might have found in old GCSE class sets, teenagers are now doodling to accentuate favourite passages, highlight key themes and underline instances of foreshadowing – all of their own accord!
If this is something your teen has recently gotten into, I urge you to encourage it. Let go of your own spine-breaking, page folding anxiety and allow them to express themselves on the pages in anyway that comes to them. The levelling up of engagement with a book in this way can prepare them for the notetaking and revision required for GCSE and A-Level. Allowing your teen to develop a pleasingly aesthetic notetaking method also encourages a pride in their work.

Some of you will have already been pestered to purchase the requisite pastel highlighters, gel pens and colourful book tabs. For some readers, shopping for the stationary is part of the experience. A set of new highlighters is never just a set of new highlighters – it’s creative potential. 
Annotating toolkit:
Highlighters – check that they do not bleed through the page
Coloured fine liners
Sharp Pencil
Book Tabs (sticky, coloured and transparent so you can see the text underneath)
Annotating books is a personal and organic process so there’s no right or wrong way to do it. However, here are a few suggestions for beginners.
  • Favourite quotes
  • Key plot points
  • Character flaws/attributes
  • Plot predictions
  • Recurring themes
  • Romance
  • Danger
  • Foreshadowing
  • Favourite metaphors and similes
  • Lessons to live by
Book of the Week
This week we are revisiting another old library favourite from 2015. I had to buy multiple copies of this book to satisfy the demand for it after reading out the first chapter during library lessons. If you’ve got younger teenagers eyeing up the Stephen Kings and James Herberts on your bookshelves at home, try them with this first. It’ll either scare them off entirely, or create a lifelong horror addict.
Sophie and her best friend Jay are sitting in a cafe when jay announces that he has a cool new app on his phone. A Ouija board app. They try to contact Sophie’s dead cousin Rebecca whose death is shrouded in mystery. The sceptical friends laugh as the app begins to spell out cryptic messages, with one recurring, “C-H-A-R-L-O-T-T-E   I-S    F-R-O-Z-E-N.”
Having no idea who Charlotte is, Jay asks one final question. “When will I die?”
“T-O-N-I-G-H-T,” answers the app.
Suddenly, it’s not so funny.
The lights fuse in the cafe and chaos descends as everyone is plunged into darkness. There are screams from the kitchen and Sophie sees the figure of a girl standing on a table in the midst of the mayhem. Terrified Sophie grips Jay’s hand, surprised at how cold and clammy it is, but glad of the comfort.
When the lights go back on and normality is restored and Sophie thanks jay for holding her hand.
“I didn’t hold your hand,” replies Jay.
Tragedy strikes Sophie’s life soon after the cafe incident and she is sent away to stay with her cousins in an old, converted schoolhouse. It’s not long before she finds out who Frozen Charlotte really is. 
❗Content advisory: Sensitive year 7 and 8s might find this book upsetting. Others will joyfully devour it. It really depends upon the individual child so bear that in mind.  Year 9 and above horror fans will simply love it.

Community Notices

Vacancy at St Nicholas

We are looking for a brilliant ICT Technician Apprentice

Community Notices

Summer activities at Cheshire Museums

Lunchtime and after school Clubs


Wednesday : Dungeons and Dragons in B5

After School:

Performing Arts Club – 3.15 – 4.30 Drama
Drama Club in Drama Studio

Dungeons and Dragons  – in the library


Music - lunchtime and after school clubs

Music lunchtime and after school clubs have finished for this year.

Thank you to all our musicians for all your hard work this year.

You have all been a pleasure to spend time with.

PE - after school clubs

PE After school activities have now finished for this term.

We look forward to starting back in September.

Upcoming dates

Monday 15th July Years 7, 8, 9 rewards trips

Monday 15th July Sports presentation evening

Tuesday 16th July Y12 Parent’s Evening 4.15 – 7.30pm

Wednesday 17th July Whole School Mass

Wednesday 17th July Lucas Briscoe rounders tournament Y10 – afternoon

Thursday 18th July Sixth Form Vietnam 7 Cambodia Trip departs

Friday 19th July School closes 12.30pm

Wednesday 4th September All students start

Click here for future dates


“Everyone Matters – so attendance matters”


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